We are hiring

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Front-end (Vue/React) part-time


B2B 75-110 zł/h net + VAT

Remote work

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We’re always on the lookout for talented individuals. If you did not find open position at this moment with your technology or maybe you are looking for a first work experience? Tell us about yourself! Send you CV and we will contact you!

Frequently asked questions

More questions? Here’s where you can get straight answers. Feel free to contact also our recruitment team.

Check our FAQ

The recruitment process includes a short phone interview with a Vstorm Team member and a technical interview with our partner. It can be only one interview up to 1,5 h or two interviews if we want to learn more about your experience and discuss some specific details related to the project.

After the screening stage and technical round, we prepare an individual membership offer to join our community.

Yes. Time zone constraints require some overlap with our partners (usually 4-5 hours) as long as you’re able to commit to working and being available online during this overlap and attending the necessary calls.

At Vstorm, we only hire people who can fully dedicate themselves to a project. That means a standard 40 hours per week.

Every team member receives an hourly wage at a decided rate at the end of the application process. This rate is determined by your experience, communication, leadership, and overall skills. Vstorm transfers the money within 14 days from the date of the sent invoice.

If the role requires it, our partners provide the workstation and phone.

On the B2B contract, Vstorm doesn’t offer paid vacation time but can arrange for vacation time. We encourage you to incorporate vacation time into your hourly rate before getting a 30-days paid break after five years. Every five years, we offer sabbatical leave, i.e., a 30-day paid holiday.