Enterprise matching platform for KiGEiT

What does KIGEiT do?

The National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (KIGEiT) was established in 1992 and operates based on the Act on Chambers of Commerce.   They are a not-for-profit organization associating a group of business entities involved in the production, trade, services, or research and development in the fields of or for electronics, telecommunications, IT, ICT, energy, electrical engineering, industrial automation, and audiovisual electronic media.

The Chamber provides a wide range of information services available to the general public and only to KIGEiT members.  Thanks to its cooperation with a group of over 30 permanent experts, KIGEiT can provide a wide range of consulting services. In the narrow fields of electronics and telecommunications, they offer both general and specialized consulting services. These services are provided mainly for the needs of the members of the Chamber.

How did Vstorm cooperate with KIGEiT?

Business matching is a technology solution that is based on connections. It uses data analytics and reports, as well as lead capture tools. These features make it easier to establish priceless business connections and grow networks. 

KIGEIT ordered a new business matching platform, dedicated to its members, among them ABB, Huawei, LG Electronics Poland,  Motorola, Netia, Samsung, Sony, Siemens, TVN Discovery, and many others.  Thanks to the ICTinPoland platform, businesses in different fields can efficiently exchange their data based on advertising their services, look for new connections regarding matching systems and search engines, get in touch with each other and potential customers, keep company blogs, and post offers that will interest people. 


Vstorm delivered to KIGEiT a Python-built networking platform, based mainly on data management and exchanges. The client gained a valuable tool to connect businesses with similar business goals and products, services, technologies, and business networks that could help each other.

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